Friday, August 21, 2020

Table of Contents: WHAT IS "My Pinterest Curations", Lui?

My Pinterest Curations is a series of GIFs I created or uploaded to GIPHY in a specific order and then curated as Pinterest board sections. They are intended to be educational/informative and entertaining. If you watch each curation in order from top to bottom (in Pinterest, from the bottom to the top), they should make sense.

My Pinterest Curations (listed by number):

I haven't "read" all of them yet but I hope that by creating this blog, I'll be able to since viewing images in order isn't a feature of Pinterest (you have to zoom in to like more than 200% to see them side-by-side). Each curation has a title to guide the reader along while viewing the GIFs. I don't consider myself an expert in GIFs (I probably haven't viewed the most GIFs out of everyone on the internet) but I had alot of fun creating these curations so I'm just hoping I organize them in the same order as Pinterest.

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